A has placed on public deposit a PEIR on behalf of FCC Environment (UK) Ltd in respect of an extension to the existing Allington Integrated Waste Management Facility located near Maidstone in Kent.
The proposed scheme would add a new waste treatment line to complement an existing three-line EfW facility. This would enable FCC to generate up to an additional 32MW of energy through the treatment of approximately 350,000 tonnes of residual waste each year.
The result of the proposed extension is an extended station with a generating capacity of more than 50MW. The scheme is classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) under the Planning Act 2008, thereby requiring a DCO to operate. The PEIR has been placed on public deposit for a period of 8 weeks up to the 14th September 2020.
Following completion of the statutory consultation process, AXIS will consider all feedback received and continue to develop the DCO proposal in advance of completing the Environmental Statement. The DCO application will then be submitted to PINS later this year, ahead of public examination and ultimately determination by the Secretary of State.