In December 2014 FCC Environment was appointed by Zero Waste Edinburgh and Midlothian, on behalf of the City of Edinburgh and Midlothian Council’s, as the preferred bidder for the joint authorities residual waste management contract.
FCC’s proposed solution for the management of the joint authorities’ residual municipal waste is the development of an energy recovery facility on the site of the former Marshalling Yards in Millerhill, Midlothian. The facility would be capable of receiving up to 195,000tonnes of waste each year and producing up to 11mw of electricity and 20mw of heat (which could be used in a district heating network).
Axis was responsible for all aspects of the planning application and EIA, which was submitted to Midlothian Council at the end of March 2015.
We are delighted to announce that conditional planning consent was granted on 6 October 2015, with Midlothian Council’s Planning Committee voting unanimously in favour of the development.