Axis, on behalf of Ford and AGRenewables, project managed all aspects of the planning application including all requisite environmental assessment work. This included successful negotiations with Cardiff Airport which resulted in the application being approved by Bridgend County Borough Council’s Development Control Committee within 11 weeks of submission.
The Ford Bridgend Engine Plant is a key production facility for motor vehicles in the UK. It produces c. 815,000 petrol engines per year, and a recent £24m pound investment will maintain the optimum production capacity at the plant for years to come. This delivers an annual export value of £1.5 billion when combined with other Ford UK operations. Employment at Bridgend will rise to 2,300 this year, the most in its 33-year history.
It is estimated that the 500kW wind turbine will supply approximately 1,141MWh of electricity per year directly to the plant, helping to reduce its associated carbon emissions by approximately 490 tonnes each year.