In 2015 Axis was instructed by FCC Environment to prepare and submit a planning application and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the development of the Millerhill Recycling & Energy Recovery Centre (RERC).
The facility was to comprise a new 195,000 tpa energy from waste (EfW) facility located on the edge of Edinburgh, designed to serve the 25-year Edinburgh and Midlothian Municipal Waste Management Contract.
Axis secured conditional planning consent for the proposed development in late 2015, followed by a series of non-material variations.
Construction of the Millerhill RERC commenced in late 2016 and Axis has continued to advise FCC on the discharge of planning conditions and the planning amendments that have been necessary throughout the 30-month construction process.
In April 2019, the facility was officially opened, marking the commencement of the FCC’s contract with Edinburgh Council and Midlothian Council.
Axis is delighted to have played an important role in the success of this project.