In December 2012 Axis submitted two planning applications (one in Outline and one Detailed), plus accompanying Environmental Statements, on behalf of The Conygar Investment Company PLC and Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd for the delivery of a mixed-use development in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire. The applications provide for 729 residential properties, a 60,000sq.ft (net sales) superstore with car parking, a petrol filling station, educational land, major public open space, together with facilitating infrastructure and associated hard and soft landscaping on land at Slade Lane.
On the 3rd September 2013 the applications were considered by Pembrokeshire County Council’s Planning and Rights of Way Committee, where Members unanimously resolved to grant planning permission subject to appropriate conditions and Section 106 Agreements.
Update: Following the signing of a Section 106 Agreement, subsequent to the Council’s resolution to grant planning permission in September 2013, Pembrokeshire County Council’s Planning and Rights of Way Committee, on 31st January 2014, officially granted planning permission for the two planning applications for retail and residential development on land at Slade Lane, Haverfordwest.
It is envisaged that construction works will commence on site in the third quarter of 2014.