Axis acted as planning and highway advisors to AmeyCespa throughout the procurement and planning application process, for the Allerton Waste Recovery Park (AWRP) at Knaresborough, North Yorkshire. Axis provided support on all planning and highway matters, including the drafting of the Planning Statement, relevant chapters of the Environmental Statement, presentation to members, and advice on the content of planning conditions and planning obligations.
The project will help to increase the recovery of value from the waste stream and divert at least 90% of the County’s household rubbish from landfill.
The development comprised (amongst other things) a Mechanical Treatment facility which will sort, extract and recycle around 20,000tpa; an Anaerobic digestion plant which will create renewable energy from 40,000tpa of food and garden waste; and an Energy from Waste facility which would power the equivalent of 400,000 homes and create around 50,000 tonnes of construction aggregate.
On the 30 October 2012 North Yorkshire County Council resolved to grant planning permission for the facility.
On the 30 January 2013 the Secretary of State confirmed that the application would not be ‘called in’ for determination, allowing the Council to issue the permission.
In April 2013 a local action group and Parish Council commenced legal action to try and get the permission overturned.
On the 15 October 2013 the Court of Appeal refused permission to appeal on all grounds, effectively vindicating the decision of the County Council and allowing the Council and AmeyCespa to proceed with the project.