Axis has been commissioned by Russell Homes to provide highways and transport advice to support a new mixed use residential / employment scheme in Widnes, Halton. The scheme represents the redevelopment of a brownfield site adjacent to the A557 and will provide over 170 dwellings, including 134 affordable units. Axis input to the project has included the design of the site access arrangements, preparation of a formal Transport Assessment and advice regarding internal site layout features.
Axis is currently commissioned by Wates Construction Ltd to provide transport planning advice in respect of 5 existing schools in the North West of England which are being upgraded as part of the Government’s Priority Schools Building Programme. Each of the school sites has required a varying level of Axis input, ranging from advice regarding site layout and accessibility, to production of supporting Transport Statements and Assessments which consider the anticipated impact of each scheme.
Axis have recently been commissioned by Taylor Wimpey in respect of a residential development site to the north of Stafford. Axis has previously provided Transport Planning support to the former owners of the development site, which resulted in the securing of an outline planning approval in 2011 for 409 dwellings.
Having recently acquired the site Taylor Wimpey has commissioned Axis in respect of considering an increase in the quantum of development to 475 dwellings, along with consideration of the phasing of the local highway network improvements over the lifetime of the development’s construction.