Axis Transport Working on a Number of Student Halls of Residence Schemes
Axis are currently working with Watkin Jones on student residence schemes in Sheffield, Leicester, Leeds & Liverpool. Inputs range from the preparation of formal Transport Assessments to support planning applications, to the design of supporting S278 detailed highway design works and the discharging of other transport related conditions on matters such as site servicing, parking and Travel Planning. Axis were also part of the Watkin Jones team which recently secured planning consent for 165 residential dwellings (mix of apartments and housing units) & commercial retail units within the Riverside Quarter, Leicester.
Recent Residential Commissions for Axis Transport
Axis Transport have recently been commissioned to provide highways assessment and design services to support to a number of new residential planning applications across the North West of England at Oswestry, Bollington, Macclesfield, Stockport, Halton, Crewe and Rochdale.
Axis Transport Provide Input to Northwich Flood Alleviation Project
Axis Transport have been engaged as part of the multi-disciplinary team preparing the Environmental Statement to consider the delivery of Flood Alleviation Works to protect Northwich Town Centre. The Axis team considered the impact of the flood defence construction works on local roads and public rights of way within the Town Centre and worked with the Environment Agency on delivering a package of measures to coordinate works to minimise closures and provide alternative routes. The works package also includes for the identification of traffic management measures during the implementation of temporary emergency flood measures on key parts of the Town Centre gyratory. The works are programmed to be implemented over the course of 2015.
Axis Transport Staff as Expert Witness
Axis Transport staff have recently provided highways expert witness services at a number of planning appeals considering planning applications for a range of development projects including mixed use leisure / commercial development, residential development, student halls of residence schemes and waste processing facilities. We await the results of these appeals with interest.
Mixed Use Scheme Appeal Success
On 9 January 2015 the Planning Inspectorate (Wales) upheld an appeal by Development Securities Ltd for a major restaurant-led mixed use scheme at Broughton, Flintshire. The proposals include for the development of five pub / restaurant units (including two drive-throughs), a new Community Medical Centre, a Council Contact Centre and an 80 bed hotel with supporting car parking for over 360 vehicles and new access arrangements. Axis provided the Transport Assessment to support the original planning submissions and provided highways expert witness at the Public Inquiry held in late 2014.